
For Men: Get the Look: Fedoras

LKc Style is back with another Men's feature for you all, this one focusing on a trend that's been spotted on several male celebrities - the fedora. Thanks to Laura for contributing and be sure to check out LKc Style for more style suggestions for the man in your life!

Haylie Duff & Nick Zano Smooch
(Photo credit: TMZ)

Seeing fedoras pop up this summer…and not on old men at the golf course?!? You’re right! Fedora’s have been coming back into style for men young and old again…and now that summer is around the corner, you can closet-up your darker colors and opt for lighter, breezier head gear. Ditch the cowboy hat and buy an LKc Style approved hat (all under $25):

Peter GRIMM Lomo Hat $23.99

Aeropostale Plaid A47 Fedora $9.99

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