You may remember my post about a fabulous Celine clutch lookalike which featured Taylor from Curly in the City's gorgeous and affordable look 4 less option. I'm still so enamored with her clutches, that I contacted her about sponsoring a giveaway and she agreed! So, to one lucky reader - you will receive $25 store credit to Taylor's Etsy store (click HERE to view - she does offer more sizes and colors than what is currently available) and then you can choose what style you want and she will make it just for you! I have to say, I'm insanely jealous. :)

To enter you must:
1. Follow Taylor's Curly in the City blog (HERE), and "Like" her Facebook page (HERE).
2. Comment below with your email address (very important!) and also tell me what's in YOUR bag? (In mine I have a million receipts, wallet, checkbook, phone, hand sanitizer (thanks Steph!), a pen, and gum. Nothing too exciting, but there it is.)
3. Must be a US resident.
Entries will be accepted until 12 NOON CST next Thursday, September 1st. Only one entry per person please, multiple entries will be deleted.
Good luck!
I keep the essentials: deodorant, lip gloss, phone, hand sanitizer, lotion and breath mints.
WAY too much stuff... a wallet, iPhone, 2 pairs of sunglasses, a few lipglosses, passport, book, nail polish, another small purse. I think I need to clean it out!
Great giveaway! I love Taylor's clutches. So cute! Gmail = sharisdailydish@gmail.com. My purse holds way more than it should..a clutch is always a nice way to narrow done my everyday "things" (which include - wallet, phone, keys, lip glosses, coupons, and some mentos). The list can go on and on depending on the day.
YAH! i follow taylors blog and i liked her on facebook.. I love these clutches! :) in my bag i have my blackberry, a gold coach wrislet filled with credit cards and random business cards (must clean out soon!), my keys and some lip gloss. crossing my fingers for a win! xo jillian (cornflakedreams at gmail dot com)
Love that bag! I only see small in her shop, though.
debbiesdaughter at gmail.com
I have my wallet, 5 lipglosses, a comb, gum, ibuprophin and my ipod.
A little bit of everything...phone, wallet, ipod, makeup, chocolate, protein bar, sanitizer, purse hanger, receipts, keys, gum, advil. I need a little more organization in my life!
gnabeana at gmail dot com
basseyworld at gmail.com
In my bag:
Leather bound, illustrated adaptation of The Alchemist, My 1st gen iPad, my gymboss timer, red Kenneth Cole wallet, Coach change purse, a million quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies, a thousand receipts, loose dollar bills, gum wrappers, cell phone, KC shades, Old Navy shades, ipod, writing journal, a spiderman action figure (don't ask), Mac compact, lip gloss, lip glass, lipstick, lipliner.
omg, I love those clutches. I follow her on bloglovin and have liked her on FB!
and in my (huge) bag I've got my wallet, checkbook, cell, keys, Kindle, mp3 player, camera, lip gloss, compact, oil blotting sheets, hair ties, random bills/receipts, Tylenol, Fast Flats, and a notebook and pen in case I need to write something down on the spot.
leb1212 @ gmail.com
Such cute clutches!! I have so much junk in bag, but normally I always have, car & door keys, work keys, wallet, coin purse, mirror, hand cream, lipbalm and lip gloss, tissues, diary, pen, receipts,phone, hand gel, camera, pain killers, plaster! I think thats about it :)
liked & followed!
oh man, I carry a lot in my bag...wallet, planner, cell phone, keys, sunglasses, tons of lipstick, small digital camera, umbrella, eye glasses, I think that's about it. ;)
I love Taylor's clutches, would love to win!
Follow & like.
As a blogger, I definitely have a camera. Sunglasses, wallet, keys and whatever else I can add to weight it down.
Liked her FB page and now following her blog!
In my purse....wallet, my Droid Incredible, about 5 lipglosses/lipsticks, gum, comb,power, eyeliner, my keys, Essie's Big Spender and a copy of Pride & Prejudice
I liked her FB Page and follow her daily in my google reader!! My bag is full of shopping coupons, phone, lipgloss, celly, etc! Always fun things in there. I love her clutches, and would love to win!
chuck refreshed at gmail dot com
I'm a follower of both!
There is so much in my bag it's not funny:
LSAT study guide, my planner, pens, highlighters, wallet, clutch, iphone, lip stick/gloss (xs 4), emergency makeup bag w/ makeup, gum, mail, and honestly there is probably more, but now I'm embarrassed that I've already told you this much.
breeann g william at gmail dot com
in my bag: wallet, iphone, keys, sunglasses, a mini hair brush, a few random bobby pins, earbuds, and a zip bag full of lip gloss, gum, hand cream, aleve and allergy meds.
I Followed and Liked! The clutches are beautiful, Thanks! Hmmm....in my purse I have the basics, wallet, checkbook, cellphone, small clear makeup bag, pen, measuring tape (for shopping), keys and small pink leather note pad listed with things I'm looking for etc. and to also write things down when I see something I like in a Thrift Store.
DbaLori at msn dot com
I keep my wallet, mini brush, nail oil, iphone charger, ear buds, lipstick, and sunscreen. Oh and a million receipts.
i've been a follower and i liked her on fbook. the question is what don't i keep in my bag?? phone, wallet, receipts, burts bees, lip gloss, hand sanitizer, lotion, pens, cuticle oil, extra jewelry, gum, stamps, extra bag for groceries, check book, gps, bobby pins, motrin, camera, keys, book, ugh i could go on and on!! a clutch would definitely simplify my life!!!!
I'm following Taylor's blog and liked her on facebook. My email is thegirlintheredshoes@gmail.com
I have a ton of stuff in my bag right now! Wallet, phone, makeup bag, sun glasses, tons of lists, hand sanitizer, dog treats, and gum!
In Nine West purse: business card holder, LV change purse, camera, coconut lip balm, note pad, Trident, keys, Altoids, natura hand lotion, BB, pen, bottle opener (?), pop tab (?), bandaid (?)
Followed and like! sarahjean.jellybeangmailcom.
I could live out of my bag...wallet with everything, iPhone, iPod, keys, makeup, lotion, hand wipes, floss, mints, gum, Advil, tissues, mini nail files, sunglasses, shopping lists, outfit ideas, receipts, bobbi pins, mirror.
In my purse I always have my blackberry, numerous lipsticks, bobby pins, wallet, keys, pens small camera, mascara and concealer.
Love Curly in the City!
I follow curly in the city blog since a while already, and just liked the FB page. What's in my bag:
1. Victoria Secret cosmetic bag, where I keep some mascara, eye liner, nail file etc.
2. Steve Madden zipper wallet
3. Hair clip
4. A little mirror I bought from Angeline Melin
5. Vitamin Water lip balm
6. My correction glasses (Ray-Ban) case with a lens cleanser spray and towel
7.C.V.S make up remover wipes
8. A notebook
9. Blackberry Storm
10. A TIC cereal bar (just in case I'm hungry)
11. AHAVA handcream
12. Walgreens hand sanitizer
13. Pen
See blogpost I did about it here: http://gayleswishlist.blogspot.com/2011/08/20110812-whats-in-my-bag.html
oh my, i have been wanting one of her clutches for awhile...especially since she came out with this pattern
email: heyheyamy@gmail.com
What's in my bag: my hobo wallet that i've used for five years now...rosebud salve (can't leave home without it), sunglasses (always, if they are not on my face), a few emergency crayons for last minutes entertainment at the restaurant for the kids and HOPEFULLY, my phone (although i'm always loooking for it).
Great giveaway!! xo
I have followed her blog.. and just liked her facebook page.. nicole.Hollenbeck@Hotmail.com In my person I have my wallet, blackberry, planner, 4 lip glosses, sunglasses, camera, tampon, business cards, and a Million receipts :) Great giveaway!!
I follow her blog and liked her in facebook!!
In my bag: phone, wallet, IDs, umbrella, reuseable food tote, makeup pouch, sunglasses!
I follow her blog and liked her on Facebook! In my purse: phone, wallet, umbrella, headphones, charger, hand sanitizer, chapstick, lipstick, ibuprofen, pepto gismo, sunglasses, tide pen and mascara! emilyfette@gmail.com
I tend not to carry a purse durning the school day... Just a huge tote bag for school with the following items... A heavy textbook... A legal notepad...(the previous two items change based upon the course) A pencil pouch... A TI-84 plus silver edition pink calculator... Vanilla scented hand sanitizer... Car keys... IPhone... iPhone charger... Pink poodle MAC lipglass... And a Credit card holder...
LOVE! i follow, i like and my email is: stout03@gmail.com
in my bag...yowza...planner, blackberry, rosebud salve, lipstain, eye liner, lotion, umbrella, wallet, pens, high lighter, keys, camera, book, gum, some sort of snack, nalgene bottle. {this is why my shoulder hurts!}
Taylor is awesome and I've been looking to buy one of her bags anyway!
I carry: wallet, cosmetic bag of tissues and wipes, glasses case with lip balm and lip gloss, keys, phone, and sometimes camera.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Love these clutches!
I carry: glasses, sunglasses, wallet, 2 things of lip gloss, umbrella, phone, hair brush, and sometimes my camera.
I follow her via Google Reader and now FB too!
I carry: wallet, keys, phone, lipgloss, lipstick, BandAid Block, mirror, bandages, and tampons. :)
I follow her via GFC and Facebook :)
In my bag I have my keys, a coin purse, a wallet, phone, my Marine's dog tags, some snacks, coupons, and ear buds!
pmgiglia at yahoo dot com
-Paula Giglia
I follow her via GFC and on Facebook!
In my bag, I carry my life. Franklin Covey Planner, pencil case, cosmetic case with no actual make-up, but the necessary items such as kleenex, mirror, lotion, hand sanitizer, breath strips, bandaids, perfume, and some OTC meds. I also carry my wallet, keys, cosmetic case with lip products only (I'm obsessed), and baby wipes in case of spills, last but not least, my iPhone which I just got this summer and LOVE! :-) I'm obsessed with bags and love this giveaway!
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